Materials science
Panel of experts assessing candidates for the position of Principal Investigator in the field of materials science.

Emeritus Prof. at the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (UCBL) in France and member of the Luminescence Team at the Institute Light-Matter (ILM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). He was defended his PhD in 1970, was Assistant Prof. in 1966, Associate Prof. in 1970 and Full Prof. in 1981 at the UCBL. His research activities concern crystal growths, structural and spectroscopic characterizations, excited state dynamics, in both, rare earth, transition metal and heavy ions-doped inorganic luminescent materials (poly-crystals, single-crystals, glasses, transparent ceramics) applied for laser materials, scintillators, phosphors or non-linear materials.
In the years 1983-1994 was Director of the Physical Chemistry of Luminescent Materials Laboratory (LPCML), CNRS, then Director of the National Research Group of CNRS on Laser Materials in 1994-2001 composed of French Research Laboratories from Universities and Industries involved on Laser Materials. In the years 2003-2007, was member of the National Committee for the Evaluation of French Universities and was Editor-In-Chief of the journal “Optical materials”, Elsevier (2003-2014).
He has supervised 40 PhD students and has accomplished several international cooperations, first as Associated Researcher at the Wisconsin University, USA, with Prof. William Yen, Invited Prof. at the Oklahoma State University, USA, with Prof. Richard Powell, and then regular invitations abroad as Invited Prof. in universities or Institutes. In Poland, with Prof. Janina Legendziewicz (University of Wroclaw) and Prof. Wieslaw Strek (Polish Academy of Sciences of Wroclaw) every year since 2002; in Brazil, with Prof. Mauro Baesso (University of Maringa) and Prof. Luis Andrade (University of Dourados) for COFECUB program (2007-2011); in Japan at Tohoku University, Sendai with Prof. Fukuda (1996-2007) and then with Prof. Yoshikawa (2008-2019); Distinguished Prof. at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (2012-2019) with Prof. Lili Hu and Prof. Wei Chen.He was appointed Chairman of the International Program Committee of the International Conference of Luminescence (ICL) during 2005-2014, got ICL’2011 International Prize, discerned every 3 years by “Journal of Luminescence” Elsevier. At last, was named Doctor Honoris Causa of Universidad de Madrid, Spain (2009), University of Wroclaw, Poland (2010) and Universitat Roviri I Virgili,Tarragona, Spain(2012) and Fellow of the Optical Society of America (2013).

Head of Physical Materials Chemistry at Stockholm University, Sweden, since 2016. She carried out her doctoral thesis work at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. 2001-2003 she worked as a Feodor-Lynen fellow at the Ames Laboratory, a US Department of Energy National Laboratory. In spring 2003 she started her independent scientific career as a Liebig fellow at the Universität zu Köln. After having completed her habilitation in 2006, she moved to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, where she headed the Materials Synthesis and Characterization group and became Chair of Inorganic Chemistry III. At RUB she also led the interdisciplinary Research Department Interfacial Systems Chemistry. Prof. Mudring is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alabama, USA. She received the Göran Gustafsson prize in Chemistry 2017 given out by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Since 2008 serves as an Associate Editor of the ACS journal “Crystal Growth & Design”. She has authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications (h-index: 40, >4500 citations).

Research scientist and professor with expertise in synthesis of nano-materials, nano-materials in ion insertion batteries and electron beam materials science. Deep interest in understanding formation mechanisms of low dimensional structures, their functionalization for bespoke materials design and exploiting the potential of said nanomaterials at the atomic scale. Excellent publication history of 338 articles in prestigious peer-reviewed journals, 20 proceedings/abstracts and 11455 total citations. Undergraduate- and graduate-level teaching experience at universities across the globe. Supervised more than 20 postdoctoral fellows. Supervised more than 30 bachelor’s students and numerous master’s and Ph.D. researchers at IFW Dresden, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University and Soochow University.

Research Director at the CNRS, at Chimie-ParisTech Research Institute (IRCP). Associate Professor of the University of Chemistry Paris Sciences and Letters PSL. PhD in Materials Science at Pierre & Marie Curie-Paris University, Faculty of Materials Engineering in Paris. His main scientific interests are Elaboration and Chemistry and Physics associated with Rare-Earths and Metal Transition impurity luminescence in inorganic compounds. All his projects have involved optical characterization of photonics materials (at different sizes from nanometric to centimetric) by various spectroscopies. Author of about 320 peer-reviewed journals that are widely cited. Creator of numerous inventive designs covered by patents (24) and active license for scintillator crystals. All proprietary designs included the optical characteristics of photonic materials, in various sizes from nanometric to centimeter, using different spectroscopy. Speaker at over 58 international conferences.

Richard Hoogenboom studied chemical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands). In 2005, he obtained his Ph.D. under the supervision of Ulrich S. Schubert and continued working as a project leader for the Dutch Polymer Institute. After postdoctoral training with Martin Moeller at the RWTH Aachen (Humboldt fellowship, 2008-2009) and Roeland Nolte at the Radboud University Nijmegen (NWO veni-grant, 2009-2010), he was appointed as associate professor at Ghent University in 2010 and in October 2014 he was promoted to full professor. He currently heads a research group on Supramolecular Chemistry. His research interests include stimuli-responsive polymers, supramolecular polymers, and poly(2-oxazoline)s. He has published > 400 scientific articles and is currently editor-in-chief for European Polymer Journal and associate editor for Australian Journal of Chemistry. Prof. Hoogenboom is the recipient of the inaugural Polymer Chemistry Lectureship (2015), the fifth PI IUPAC award (2016) and the ACS Macromolecules/Biomacromolecules young investigator award (2017), Carl S. Marvel Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Award funded by POLY division of American Chemical Society (2020). Prof. Hoogenboom is co-founder of AVROXA, a spin-off of his research, group, a technology-based company specialized in innovative polymers. They are experts in the design and production of high-quality, well-defined, ultra-pure poly(2-oxazoline)s, under the brand name Ultroxa®.

Professor of chemistry, head of the Department of Rare Earths Department at the Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan (AMU). He obtained his PhD in chemistry at the AMU in 1986, completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Florida (Gainesville, 1988-1899) and at the Florida State University (Tallahassee, 1989-1991 and 1993-1994) ). He obtained his postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in 1995, and the title of professor in 2003. He was a visiting professor in research centers in the USA, Japan, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, Brazil and China. He conducts basic and application research in the field of synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of numerous groups of compounds, complexes and nanomaterials, mainly based on rare earth ions. The research concerns emission processes and their mechanisms, in the area of nanoluminophores and their surface-functionalized multifunctional nanomaterials, showing multicolored, tunable emission and magnetic properties as well as biocompatibility, for applications as new luminophores, multifunctional materials in bioimaging, biomarkers, nanomanometrs and nanothermometrs, as modifiers of anti-counterfeiting and dactyloscopic systems, etc. He is the author/co-author of over 240 scientific publications from the JCR list (index h = 38, 5160 citations), 8 patents, over 90 invited lectures at scientific conferences and congresses, he was the chairman and/or member of many scientific committees of international conferences; the manager of 11 research projects awarded in national and 2 international competitions. He promoted 11 doctors, currently a supervisor of 4 doctorates. Awards: the Minister of Science (MNiSW), Medal of J. Zawidzki (2016) and Honorary Membership of the Polish Chemical Society (2018) for research excellence, outstanding scientific achievements and a particularly important contribution to Polish chemistry.

Current Position: Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at the Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Head of the Laboratory: “Physics of Nitride Semiconductors”. Full professor in Physics (since 1993). Main Research Interests: physics and properties of GaN-InGaN-AlGaN materials, quantum structures, and light emitters LEDs and Laser Diodes; electronic band structure (bandgap engineering), excitons, phonons, and defects. Bibliometric Data: 11 chapters in monographies, more than 500 scientific papers, citations – above 8000; Hirsch Factor: 44. Research projects:Realization of more than 20 of international and domestic projects ad Principal Investigator and Investigator. National and International Distinctions: Member of Project Selection Committees of the Polish National Science Committee. Member of many International Advisory and Program Committees of International Conferences covering various aspects of nitride semiconductors. Long-stays abroad: Post-doc: Regensburg University 1975-76; Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, Osaka University 1982-1983; Fulbright Scholar in Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Faculty of Material Sciences, Berkeley University, 1995-1996; Visiting Professor: Japan, Hokkaido University 2009, China, Beijing University, 2012.

Professor of engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. A pioneer in research into light-producing semiconductor technology, including light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In search of a cheap white light source (as a mixture of red, green, and blue light), he invented an efficient blue light emitting diode (red and green LEDs were known before), for which in 2014, together with Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. The creator of the so-called blue laser used in the optical information recording systems, e.g. Blu-ray and HD DVD devices. The award-winning author or co-author of over 500 research articles, holds over 200 US and over 300 Japanese patents.
Alicja Bachmatiuk, D.Sc., Ph.D., Eng.

She defended her master’s thesis in chemical technology at the Szczecin University of Technology in 2005, in 2009 she obtained her Ph.D. degree at the same university. She obtained a postdoctoral degree in chemical sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology in 2017. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at IFW Dresden, Germany, as a scholarship holder of RTN Marie Curie and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2009-2012). She worked as a Research Professor (2013-2015) at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Since 2013 she has been conducting research on the production and characterization of two-dimensional materials, including graphene in cooperation with Polish and foreign research units. From 2015 she is a visiting professor at Soochow University, Suzhou, China. Co-author of 4 Polish patents, author of over 140 articles from the Philadelphia list (h-index = 39, over 4700 citations). Supervisor of 3 MA theses and tutor of 4 Ph.D. students. Winner of the Ministry of Education’s scholarship for outstanding young scientists (2016), implemented 3 research grants (Alexander von Humboldt, FNP Homing Plus, NCN Sonata). Currently, the manager of three research grants from the National Science Center, FNP and National Center for Research and Development.