
Merry Christmas!


May Christmas make time slow down for a while,the presence and smile of your loved ones bring peace and be a source of joy,and the coming year will be full of inspiration, discoveries, and exciting projects!Have a healthy Christmas and a happy New Year!

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Gardens of Experiences of Łukasiewicz – PORT for the development of future competences


Between November and December 2023, the Gardens of Experiences team organized a series of six workshops for representatives of educational and local governments entities and NGOs involved in active youth education. The trainings were held as part of the project “Competences of the future as key to Poland’s technological development”, funded by the Ministry of […]

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Witold Konopka, PhD became a member of the Committee on Neurobiology PAN


Witold Konopka, PhD from Łukasiewicz – PORT has been appointed as a member of the Committee on Neurobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term starting in 2024. This choice is a recognition of his achievements and contribution to the development of neurobiology. The Scientific Committees of the PAN represent scientific environments and […]

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Łukasiewicz – PORT is the leader of EU international project on countering disinformation 


Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, as the leader of an international consortium, received a Horizon Europe grant aimed at developing new ways of countering information manipulation. The funds allocated for the implementation of the project amount to EUR 3 million.  A consortium of Łukasiewicz – PORT-led academic, technology and analytical organisations from […]

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Biobank and the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences together for RCMC


Obtaining funding from the Polish Medical Research Agency (ABM) as part of the Regional Centers for Digital Medicine (RCMC) project allowed for the creation of a new platform for cooperation between the Biobank Research Group and the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań. The leader of the Biobank Research […]

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Third WIB competition: the call for applications ended


Five applications for a total amount of over PLN 223 million were received by Łukasiewicz – PORT as part of the third Virtual Research Institute (WIB) call. The call for proposals for the third WIB competition lasted from October 2-13, 2023. Teams of scientists employed in Polish scientific and research units could participate in it. […]

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ISBRA 2023 is behind us


The 19th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications – ISBRA 2023, organized on October 9-12, 2023, at Łukasiewicz – PORT is behind us. We say goodbye enriched by new knowledge and good practices in using the latest bioinformatics tools and machine learning in research on the etiology and development of many diseases. Behind us: […]

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Competition for the establishment of Regional Centers for Digital Medicine (RCMCs) settled. The Polish Medical Research Agency (ABM) has selected 18 entities to implement projects for the digitization of clinical research. Nearly PLN 60 million will go to a consortium of which the Research Group Biobank Łukasiewicz – PORT, led by Patrycja Gazińska, PhD, is […]


5 days, 2 conferences, 250 guests


On September 4 – 8, 2023, our campus hosted nearly 250 scientists from around the world who, at the invitation of the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Center of Łukasiewicz – PORT, took part in two conferences: PORT for Health: Neuroscience 2023 and the 17th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics (IB 2023). It was five intense […]

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Third WIB competition: recruitment of experts started


Łukasiewicz – PORT invites experts in medical biotechnology to cooperate within the WIB program. Recruitment of experts just started for the international panel, which will conduct a substantive evaluation of the applications submitted in the second WIB competition. On August 4, supplementary recruitment for experts in two fields related to medical biotechnology. Their task will […]

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