RT-qPCR tests
Łukasiewicz – PORT runs a test point at 147 Stabłowicka Street in Wrocław, where individuals can have swab taken for the RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 test, causing the COVID-19 disease.
Drive-thru in Łukasiewicz – PORT (entry from Stabłowicka Street), Mon.– Thurs. 8 a.m.–noon, Fri. 8 a.m.–9.30 a.m. (On Fridays, results are released on the same day).
NOTICE PLEASE: the entrance to the premises of the Łukasiewicz – PORT Institute is closed with a barrier. If you want to get to the laboratory, please ring the intercom and inform the gatekeeper of the purpose of your visit (COVID-19 test).
- It is necessary to register for the testing – in advance at the following telephone numbers: 887-781-068 or 887-781-072 (Mon.–Fri., 7.30 a.m.–3 p.m.)
- Point is open to anyone interested.
- At the Łukasiewicz – PORT test point, we accept patients for private tests only.
- We deliver the results, depending on chosen offer, up to 36 hours.
- We do not come to the patient – we collect the material for testing at our drive-thru point.
- Payment on the spot only by credit card (non-cash).
The laboratory reserves the right to give out a non-diagnostic result (presence of PCR inhibitors) or an inconclusive result (related to the patient’s viral load), in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH), for reasons beyond their control, which involves the need to re-smear and perform the test at the customer’s expense.
Type of test:
At our drive-thru points, we perform genetic tests using the RT-qPCR method (swab from the throat and nose or nasopharynx). Thanks to this method, we are able to verify whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus is present in the patient’s organism at the moment.
The price of RT-PCR test:

Standard Test
Cost: PLN 370
Test result available up to 36 hours.
The cost of a certificate in English: PLN 30.

Cost: PLN 740
The package is intended for two parents with a child under age of 18.
The cost of a certificate in English: PLN 30/person.
The test result is available up to 36 hours.
Swabs are taken from children over the age of two.

Cost: PLN 1,110
The package is intended for two parents with two children under age of 18.
The cost of a certificate in English: PLN 30/person.
The result is available within 36 hours.
Swabs are taken from children over the age of two.

Cost: PLN 550 (includes a certificate in English)
Result available within 9 hours.
We collect swabs from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Please, inform us about taking offer for travelers upon arrival at drive-thru.
If the test result is not available within 9 hours, the difference in price between the offer for travelers and the standard offer will be refunded. The customer will be immediately informed about this fact by phone. If it is necessary to repeat the test in order to obtain a reliable result, the laboratory reserves the right to repeat the analysis, which may extend the test time to 36 hours, excluding undiagnostic or inconclusive results.
It is recommended to schedule the test in advance.

Cost: PLN 490
Result available within 9 hours.
We collect swabs from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Please, inform us about taking express offer upon arrival at drive-thru.
The result is available only in Polish.
If the test result is not available within 9 hours, the difference in price between the offer for travelers and the standard offer will be refunded. The customer will be immediately informed about this fact by phone. If it is necessary to repeat the test in order to obtain a reliable result, the laboratory reserves the right to repeat the analysis, which may extend the test time to 36 hours, excluding undiagnostic or inconclusive results.
It is recommended to schedule the test in advance.

- Group of 3 people – 10% discount.
Price of one test: PLN 333. - Group of 4 to 6 people – 15% discount.
Price of one test: PLN 314.50.
One-time payment for the entire group.
Test result available up to 36 hours.
Cost of certificate in English: PLN 30.
How to prepare for swab taking?
Before arriving please rinse you mouth with boiled water and do not eat 2-3 hours before taking a swab.
Before taking the swab please:
- do not brush your teeth,
- do not use mouthwashes,
- do not use nasal and throat spray,
- do not smoke cigarettes,
- do not use chewing gums or lozenges / candies,
- do not clean the nose (rinsing, blowing),
- remove removable dentures.
The person from whom the swab will be taken must have:
- ID card – necessary for data identification,
- A mask – worn at least for the duration of the presence in Łukasiewicz – PORT.
Notice please: to improve the course of the examination at our test point, please take the completed order form with you.
You can download the file here:
You can also fill in the form at the test point – it will be handed over to you by the service.
How is the swab taken?
After approaching/driving to the indicated place, the point employee wearing protective coveralls will ask you to disinfect your hands, conduct a short interview necessary to complete the medical documentation, and ask you to remove the mask. Then, with a swab (a dedicated device), he will take a swab from the throat and nose by rubbing it against its walls for a few seconds. The swab after taking will be secured in an intended container and handed over to the laboratory.
Contraindications for swab taking:
Relative contraindications include recent craniofacial trauma or anatomical anomalies, and severe hemorrhagic diathesis – they may make swab insertion difficult or increase the risk of local trauma and bleeding. Complications are a consequence of local tissue trauma (bleeding, pain or discomfort). The procedure may provoke coughing and sneezing, and sometimes vomiting (irritation of the back of the throat).
Please notice
- When entering the drive-thru point, put on a mask. Take it off only at the request of our employee, directly before taking the swab.
- In Łukasiewicz – PORT (entry from Stabłowicka Street), go to drive-thru point according to the recommendations of the map
and signposts. - If you notice that there is another patient within the test point, keep a safe distance – a minimum of 2 m.
- After taking swab, leave the drive-thru as soon as possible. Follow the marked road.
- After leaving the point, go straight home. Do not put others at risk of infection. We will provide you with the test result as soon as possible.
How and when will I get the result
- The test result will be issued depending on the laboratory workload, but not longer than 36 hours from the transfer of the sample to the laboratory.
- The results can be picked up on a dedicated platform. Each time after the examination, you will receive a leaflet with information on the method of collection.
What test result can I get?
For the interpretation of test results, we use the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health – PZH
in the field of SARS molecular diagnostics.
Result types:
- Positive result – when the presence of the genetic material of the virus in the sample taken from the patient is confirmed.
- Negative result – when the genetic material of the virus is not detected.
- Inconclusive result – when a trace amount of virus genetic material is detected, from which it is not possible to correctly determine whether the result is positive or negative. In such cases, it is suggested to re-collect the swab and perform test after 24-48 hours (at the patient’s request, paid service).
- Undiagnostic result – the reaction of detecting the genetic material of the virus was conducted in a way that did not allow the laboratory to determine whether the obtained result is consistent with the actual state. In such cases, it is suggested to re-take the swab and perform the test (at the patient’s request, paid service).
The full description of the results is available on the NIZP-PZH website.
How to get to us?
The drive-thru point in Łukasiewicz – PORT is located on the Pracze Campus, and it is possible to reach it only from Stabłowicka street, in Wroclaw.

At drive-thru points we admit patients who travel mainly by passenger cars (maximum vehicle height 190 cm). Do not get out of the car at the drive-thru point. Within the point, you must follow the signposts and follow the information and instructions of the employees of the point.
Additional information:
- Test point do not have a waiting room or toilet accessible to patients.
- Taking a swab along with the formalities will not take more than 10 minutes.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us:
phone: + 48 887 781 068 (Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.)
e-mail: covid_rejestracja@port.lukasiewicz.gov.pl
Any questions about your result?