Gardens of Experiences of Łukasiewicz – PORT for the development of future competences
Between November and December 2023, the Gardens of Experiences team organized a series of six workshops for representatives of educational and local governments entities and NGOs involved in active youth education. The trainings were held as part of the project “Competences of the future as key to Poland’s technological development”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The project “Competences of the future as key to Poland’s technological development” aimed to support teachers, representatives of educational departments of local government units and non-government organizations in developing key competences among children and young
people. 80% of workshop time was devoted to practical activities. Participants were introduced to the latest educational methods, techniques and tools to help build engagement and motivation to learn among children and school youth, as well as to develop their creativity and soft skills. The trainings presented engaging methods of teaching lessons using, among others, VR glasses, interactive whiteboards and educational apps.
– I found participating in the trainings courses, in particular those where VR glasses were used, to be a valuable experience and inspiration. It was the first time when I could feel like a student during the training and thus test different techniques and approaches to teaching. The topics of the classes were very diverse, and I can put the presented forms of teaching, integration or icebreakers into practice almost immediately, summarizes Joanna Lewandowicz, a teacher from the District School Complex No. 2 in Trzebnica who participated in the project.
The training sessions were held in three rounds. Each project participant attended two workshops: “Gamification in education” and “Active learning”. In total, the project was attended by 31 participants from Lower Silesia.