SAME-NeuroID project: lecture by Professor Bastian Hengerer
We cordially invite you to the upcoming SAME-NeuroID scientific seminar featuring Professor Bastian Hengerer, Director of CNS Diseases Research at Boehringer Ingelheim. Professor Hengerer will present the key findings of his research.

Date: 1st February 2024.
Time: 2:00 PM.
Venue: Łukasiewicz – PORT, Assembly Hall, Building A (1st floor).
You can attend it stationary at Łukasiewicz – PORT (147 Stabłowicka Street, Wrocław) or on-line via SAME-Match-Treat platform: SAME-NeuroID Seminar with Prof. Bastian Hengerer | SAME-Match-Treat (
We encourage you to active participation in the Q&A session and post-lecture meeting for Young Investigators from 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM. Attendance is mandatory for PhD students.
Seminar Title:
“Studying the Circuit Biology of Social Behavior: Backtranslation of the Findings of a Transdiagnostic Clinical Study”
“PRISM (Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers), a EU wide consortium of academic and industry partners, identified a novel transdiagnostic and pathophysiological link between quantitative measures of neural integrity within the brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN) and social dysfunctioning. Significant relationships of measures of daily social functioning with quantitative neuroimaging measures of DMN activity and DMN connectivity were observed irrespective of the initial clinical diagnosis. These findings are providing a novel neurobiological, quantitative, and transdiagnostic framework for further validation.
To enrich our understanding of the fundamental biology underlying the new hypotheses and to test the causality between the quantitative variation in DMN integrity and social dysfunction in preclinical models, the team modulated DMN activity experimentally and developed a novel setup for automated analysis of social behavior in groups of mice.”
Short Bio:
Professor Bastian Hengerer has more than 34 years’ experience in pharmaceutical industry. Currently the Director of CNS Diseases Research at Boehringer Ingelheim, he joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 2003, heading the preclinical Parkinson’s disease research group and now being responsible for scientific partnering in the field of CNS Diseases.
This seminar is part of the SAME-NeuroID project funded by the Horizon Europe program.
We look forward to your presence.