SAME-NeuroID Seminar: lecture by Prof. Jakub Włodarczyk
Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development invites you to the lecture by Prof. Jakub Włodarczyk, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Science (Warsaw, Poland).
The lecture is titled “The molecular fingerprint of stress resilience” and will take place on Thursday, June 15th 2023, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. at Łukasiewicz – PORT.
Stress resilience is an ability of neuronal networks to maintain their function despite the stress exposure. In Prof. Jakub Włodarczyk’s study, he and his team investigated whether stress resilience is an actively developed dynamic process in adult mice. In order to assess the resilient and anhedonic behavioral phenotypes developed after induction of the chronic unpredictable stress, scientists quantitatively characterized the structural and functional plasticity of excitatory synapses in the hippocampus using a combination of proteomic, electrophysiological, and imaging methods. Results indicate that stress resilience is a dynamic and multifactorial process manifested by structural, functional, and molecular changes in synapses. Professor and his team revealed that chronic stress influences palmitoylation, whose profiles differ between resilient and anhedonic animals. They also observed that stress resilience is associated with structural compensatory plasticity of the postsynaptic parts of synapses. Finally, Professor and his team, have indicated the signaling pathway that promote resilience.
Jakub Włodarczyk is Professor at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. He obtained his PhD in Physics from Warsaw University (Poland) in 2006 and a postdoctoral training in Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Goettingen. Germany). Since 2012, he leads a Laboratory of Cell Biophysics at the Nencki Institute. In 2020 he was nominated Professor of Natural Sciences. The main field of his interest is aberrant synaptic plasticity underlying stress related disorders and stress resilience. He studies structural and functional synaptic modifications regulated by posttranslational modifications. He develops and employs novel imaging based techniques and mass spectrometry methods to assess the reorganization of activity patterns accompanied by local volumetric and molecular changes at the synapses.
You can attend the lecture stationary at Łukasiewicz – PORT (147 Stabłowicka Street, Wrocław) or online (live streaming on the MS Teams platform
The language of the lecture will be English.
The meeting is part of the SAME-NeuroID project funded by the Horizon Europe program.

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Research and innovation funding programme under Grant Agreement Project 101079181 – SAME-NeuroID.