Your 1.5%, a joint investment in education
The Polish Center for Technology Development Foundation was established in 2019 as an entity supporting scientific, educational, and science-popularizing activities. Over 2,600 children took part in free workshops in 2023, which were held with the support of the Foundation! Every zloty donated to the Foundation in the annual tax return is a chance for more events and activities to be organized and for more people to benefit from them.
Thanks to the cooperation of the PORT Foundation with OSRAM, a modern educational laboratory was created at the Łukasiewicz – PORT Institute in 2022, enabling classes in fields such as photonics and material chemistry. The year 2023 was marked by the development of the workshop offer and other educational forms consistent with the implementation of the mission of social responsibility of science by Łukasiewicz – PORT and Gardens of Experiences. This mission was a success – in just the second year of operation, the Gardens of Experiences team organized over 900 workshops for nearly 8,400 children! Thanks to the Foundation’s support, some of the events were held free of charge.
“The institutions with which the PORT Foundation has signed a cooperation agreement include the District Authority Office in Środa Śląska and the Municipal Office in Miękinia. As part of these agreements, as well as thanks to the financial support of the Foundation, up to several thousand children a year can benefit from free workshops, events, and activities encouraging young people to explore the fascinating world of science”, says Paweł Kurant, member of the management board of the Polish Center for Technology Development Foundation. “Selected events, such as participation in the Lower Silesian Science Festival and some workshops, are held with the financial support of the Foundation. The amount of financing depends on the pool of funds provided by donors, therefore, as every year, we strongly encourage you to donate 1.5% to the PORT Foundation”, adds Paweł Kurant.
The funds obtained will be entirely allocated to the implementation of the Foundation’s statutory objectives. In addition to supporting scientific and educational activities, they also include supporting young talents, implementing pro-ecological projects, and, among others, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Every year, in cooperation with the Łukasiewicz – PORT Foundation, a Science Picnic is also organized – an event aimed at the local community, during which the campus in Pracze Odrzańskie opens up to the public. Participants then have a unique opportunity to talk to scientists, take part in numerous lectures, workshops, and scientific activities, as well as visit laboratories where researchers work on a daily basis.

By donating 1.5% to the PORT Foundation, you provide access to creative forms of knowledge acquisition for children from different backgrounds and support the development of young talents and competencies that will have a direct impact on the quality of life of future generations.
The Polish Center for Technology Development Foundation
147 Stabłowicka Street
54-066 Wrocław
KRS: 0000787023