Industry Contact Point

The Industry Contact Point in Łukasiewicz – PORT aims to support scientists and entrepreneurs from the medical technology and health industry in obtaining financing for innovative research and implementation of innovative technologies from the Horizon Europe program. ICP Medical Technologies and Health specializes in issues related to health protection as well as research and development of new medical technologies (regenerative medicine, artificial organs).
The main activities of ICP MTH include:
- assistance in selecting and acquiring international partners for European projects,
- representing Polish entities at matchmaking, networking, and brokerage events,
- organization of training and workshops,
- conducting individual consultations at the stage of preparing the application.
In the area of interest of ICP MTH, there are, among others:
- new preventive and therapeutic goals,
- clinical tests,
- coordinated health care and telemedicine,
- IT medical tools and bioinformatics (models, algorithms, and software for searching for therapy goals and molecular modeling),
- modern and personalized diagnostics (markers, tests, diagnostic imaging, etc.),
- therapies based on protein engineering (biomedical engineering),
- artificial organs,
- research on new materials for medical applications,
- manufacturing of medicinal products (including ATMP).
The Horizon Europe Framework Program of the European Union is the most significant international research and innovation program in the history of the European Union. In 2021-2027, EUR 95.5 billion will be allocated to innovative research and solutions.
Who can participate?
Research institutes, universities, public units, large enterprises, SMEs, start-ups, associations, foundations, and international organizations.
Co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science project “Industry Contact Points for the Research
and Innovation Framework Program Horizon Europe”.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with and review the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the EU code pertaining to medicinal products for human use.
The objectives of the initiative are as follows:
- Ensuring access to affordable medicines
- Supporting innovation, particularly in areas with unmet medical needs
- Improving supply chain security
- Adapting to new scientific and technological advancements
- Reducing bureaucracy
If you are interested in submitting comments on the above regulation, please send them to the email address by the 27th of October, 2023.
Downloadable files:
- Working document of services
- Summary of impact assessment I
- Summary of impact assessment II
- Directive proposal
- Annex to the proposal
Ahead of us is October, full of trainings, events, and competitions in the field of … Read more >>
The end of the holiday season is fast approaching, and with it, new challenges … Read more >>
Some of us have already started the holidays, but for those who still want to catch … Read more >>
June is rich in important events both in Poland and abroad. We also remind you of … Read more >>
May and June are the “travel” months – a multitude of events both in Poland and … Read more >>
We recommend March events related to the health sector in Horizon Europe … Read more >>
In February, we recommend the following free Horizon Europe events in the field … Read more >>
We present a compilation of 14 events recommended by our Industry Contact Point … Read more >>
In June, we recommend events in the field of healthcare. We invite you to familiarize … Read more >>
In May, we recommend prestigious economic-technological events … Read more >>
The Industry Contact Point for Medical Technologies and Health offers assistance in finding partners for the following competitions under the Horizon Europe program. Please feel free to contact us!
Under the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) partnership, the following competitions are open:
Two-stage Call 4, with a deadline for submission by November 8, 2023 (first stage)
Topic 1: Expanding translational knowledge in mini-pigs: the path to reducing and replacing primates in non-clinical safety assessment.
Topic 2: Patient-oriented blood sampling/collecting to enable decentralized clinical trials and improve access to healthcare.
Topic 3: Integrative clinical research for fair access to clinical trials in Europe.
Topic 4: Establishing innovative approaches to improve clinical research on rare and very rare diseases.
Topic 5: Safe and sustainable design (SSbD) of packaging and solutions for single-use healthcare products.
Topic 6: Sustainable development in closed-loop systems and the production of healthcare products, and their quantitative assessment of environmental impact.
Single-stage Call 5, with a submission deadline of January 16, 2024.
Topic 1: Accelerating the implementation of new approach methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches to the development, testing, and production of medical technologies.
Topic 2: Development and demonstration of the principles of new clinical applications of theranostic solutions.
Topic 3: Improved methods for the prediction, detection, and treatment for the needs of comprehensive stroke treatment.
Topic 4: Maximizing the potential for generating synthetic data in healthcare applications.
Under the EU4Health partnership, the following competitions are open:
- Open call for proposals for operating grants to non-governmental organisations: financial contribution to the functioning of health non-governmental bodies implementing one or more specific objectives of Regulation 2021/522.
- Call for proposals to support structured dialogue at national or regional level on public procurement in the health sector – HERA.
- Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other NCDs.
- Call for proposals to support the roll-out of the second cohort of the inter-speciality cancer training programme.
- Call for proposals on cancer and other NCDs prevention – action on health determinants.
- Call for proposals to support Member States and other relevant actors to implement relevant results of innovative public health research in relation to vaccination against COVID-19.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
There are more details available for IHI call 3 on the IHI Innovative Health Initiative website.
Under the research direction “Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society“, the following competition is open:
- The Silver Deal – Person-centred health and care in European regions.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Under the research direction “Living and working in a health-promoting environment“, the following competitions are open:
- Health impacts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: bridging science-policy gaps by addressing persistent scientific uncertainties.
- Evidence-based interventions for the promotion of mental and physical health in changing working environments (post-pandemic workplaces).
- Planetary health: understanding the links between environmental degradation and health impacts.
- Global coordination of exposome research.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Under the research direction “Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden“, the following competitions are open:
- Pandemic preparedness and response: Sustaining established coordination mechanisms for European adaptive platform trials and/or for cohort networks.
- Novel approaches for palliative and end-of-life care for non-cancer patients.
- Interventions in city environments to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases – GACD).
- Pandemic preparedness and response: Understanding vaccine-induced immunity.
- European Partnership on Rare Diseases.
- Towards structuring brain health research in Europe.
- Pandemic preparedness and response: Broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutics for infectious diseases with epidemic potential.
- Pandemic preparedness and response: Immunogenicity of viral proteins of viruses with epidemic and pandemic potential.
- Relationship between infections and non-communicable diseases.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Under the research direction “Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable, and high-quality health care” the following competitions are open:
- Maintaining access to regular health and care services in case of cross-border emergencies.
- Resilience and mental well-being of the health and care workforce.
- Environmentally sustainable and climate-neutral health and care systems.
- European Partnership on Personalised Medicine.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Under the research direction “Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies, and digital solutions for a healthy society“, the following competitions are open:
- Clinical trials of combined Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).
- Better integration and use of health-related real-world and research data, including genomics, for improved clinical outcomes.
- Harnessing the potential of real-time data analysis and secure Point-of-Care computing for the benefit of person-centred health and care delivery.
- Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for the European Health Data Space.
- Integrated, multi-scale computational models of patient patho-physiology (‘virtual twins’) for personalized disease management.
Pandemic preparedness and response: In vitro diagnostic devices to tackle cross-border health threats.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Under the research direction “Maintaining an innovative, sustainable, and globally competitive health industry“. the following competitions are open:
- Development and harmonization of methodologies for assessing digital health technologies in Europe.
- Expanding the European Electronic Health Record exchange Format to improve interoperability within the European Health Data Space.
- Mapping the hurdles for the clinical applications of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).
- Supporting the uptake of innovative Health Technology Assessment (HTA) methodology and advancing HTA expertise across the EU.
- Modeling and simulation to address regulatory needs in the development of orphan and pediatric medicines.
You can find more information at the Search Funding & Tenders.
Competitions organized by EDCTP3 (The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership):
- Implementing adaptive platform trials.
- Strengthening regulatory capacity for supporting the conduct of clinical trials.
- Genomic epidemiology for surveillance and control of poverty-related and emerging/re-emerging infections in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Creating a sustainable clinical trial network for infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Promoting the implementation of research results into policy and practice.
Date: 21.11.2023
We invite you to the largest matchmaking event in Poland, which will take place on November 21-22, 2023, at Fabryka Norblina in Warsaw … Read more >>
Matchmaking combining 2 conferences and nearly 250 participants
Date: 18.10.2023
Most international projects funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program require cooperation from at least 3 … Read more >>
Health Day
Date: 08.03.2023
The Industry Contact Point for Medical Technologies and Health, along with the South-West Poland Horizontal Contact Point, invites you to … Read more >>
Workshops at Łukasiewicz – PORT
Date: 13.01.2023
How to successfully submit an application for the Twinning and Teaming for Excellence competition under the Horizon Europe program and help … Read more >>
Online Training
Date: 20.12.2022
Widening in Horizon Europe as an opportunity to increase the potential of scientific institutions operating in the field of health and medical technology … Read more >>
Horizon4Poland ’22
Date: 22.11.2022
We invite you to the first matchmaking event of the Industry Contact Points, Horizon4Poland ’22, which will take place on November 22, 2022, from 9:30 … Read more >>
Personal Branding for Scientists – Training
Date: 07.11.2022
The Industry Contact Point for Medical Technologies and Health invites you to the training “How to prepare for effective matchmaking? Personal … Read more >>
EU-Africa Global Health – InfoDay
Date: 02.06.2022
The Industry Contact Point for Medical Technologies and Health at Łukasiewicz – PORT invites you to learn about the activities of the EU-Africa … Read more >>
We invite you to watch our recordings, from which you will learn how to prepare for participation in competitions for international research and innovation projects, announced under the Horizon Europe and European Partnerships program.
We recommend watching the recordings of open competition presentations within the framework of the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) partnership:
- Rules for participation in the two-stage IHI competitions
- Rules for participation in the one-stage IHI competitions
- IHI competition topics, Call4 and Call5