Advanced Materials Synthesis Group from Łukasiewicz – PORT
Research topics conducted in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Group from Łukasiewicz – PORT is related to the design and synthesis of inorganic compounds (phosphors, metallic or oxide nanoparticles) and organic compounds with designed physicochemical properties, including luminescent, thermochromic, thermal, mechanical as well as antibacterial, electrical or sensors. The group is working on hybrid systems modified and / or doped with dyes and nanoparticles for applications in photonics and to obtain laser action. Biodegradable polymer and composite materials with functional properties are also produced. An example may be intelligent systems for transporting active substances for applications in medicine and cosmetology.
In addition, research topics related to the chemistry of the solid and the processes taking place at the boundary between the solid and liquid and gas phases are conducted. It also includes research on the phenomena of adsorption and catalysis with the use of porous materials, mainly layered minerals and miscible layered hydroxides, and the modification of these materials in order to effectively eliminate harmful substances from air and water. Additionally, research is conducted on the modification of various materials with a focused electron beam in order to obtain appropriate physicochemical properties for potential applications in photonics and electronics. In particular, these studies include the micro- and nanostructuring of ionic liquids and their mixtures with other compounds (e.g. metal salts).
Dr. Sc. Eng. Alicja Bachmatiuk (Project Leader)
A graduate of master studies in the field of Chemical Technology at the Szczecin University of Technology in 2005. In 2009 she obtained PhD degree in technical sciences at the same University. In 2017 she obtained her habilitation in chemical sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology. She is the co-author of 175 publications (h= 46). She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at IFW Dresden, Germany, as a scholarship holder of RTN Marie Curie and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2009-2012). She worked as a Research Professor (2013-2015) at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Since 2013 she has been conducting research on the production and characterization of two-dimensional materials, including graphene in cooperation with Polish and foreign research units. From 2015 she is a visiting professor at Soochow University, Suzhou, China. Winner of the Ministry of Education’s scholarship for outstanding young scientists (2016), implemented 3 research grants (Alexander von Humboldt, FNP Homing Plus, NCN Sonata). Currently, the manager of three research grants from the National Science Center, FNP and National Center for Research and Development.
Dr. Sc. Małgorzata Guzik (Team Leader)
A graduate of master studies in the field of Environmental Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of University of Wrocław. Scientific career: M.Sc. 2000, Ph.D. 2006, D.Sc. 2016. She is the co-author of 79 publications (IF = 250) and 7 book chapters (index h = 22). She completed numerous internships abroad: postdoctoral researcher at LPCML (since 2012 iLM) at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon in France (2008-2009), since 2010 she returns to iLM regularly 3-4 times a year to perform spectroscopic measurements. She spent 3 months at iLM in the frame of the BGF scholarship of the French government (2012, 2014, 2015) and recently the annual scholarship from NAWA (2021-2022). Moreover, she completed several internships at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), CAS, China (2013, 2014, 2019). She was PI in 5 international projects: NCN-HARMONIA, MNiSW, NAWA-POLONIUM, she was also an investigator in 7 national and international projects. Laureate of the scholarship of M. Bekker (NAWA-2020 edition). She was also involved in organizational and editorial activities: Editor in Optical Materials (10 years), Guest Editor of many volumes; co-chair, secretary and co-organizer of many international conferences. Chair of the IS-OM8 conference (2019). Her research interests include fabrication as well as structural and spectroscopic characteristics of rare earth activated inorganic optical materials in the form of nano/ micro-powders, single crystals, transparent sintered ceramic, glasses and optical fibers, for application as phosphors, laser materials or scintillators. Since 2020 she has been associated with the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, where she is the head of the research group at PORT implementing the project HYPHa.
Dr. Sc. Joanna Cybińska (Head of ADMAT research group)
A graduate of master studies in the field of Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of University of Wrocław. She is the co-author of 88 scientific publications (with a total IF = 421.47; index h = 24) on the synthesis of inorganic compounds, including nanoparticles doped with rare earth ions, and organic dyes with defined physicochemical properties, e.g. luminescent. She participated in the realization of number projects (15), including international ones. Currently, she is the head of the HARMONIA NCN project, carried out in cooperation with the University of Stockholm. She has completed a number of internships and research trips abroad. She was the scientific secretary of 6 international conferences. In 2005–2014 she was the Assistant Editor in the journal Opt. Mater., Elsevier. She was also the Guest Editor of 5 post-conference volumes (J. Lumin., JOM). Since 2012, he has been running a Research Team at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development (previously Wrocław Research Center EIT +).
Prof. Dr. Sc. Eng. Robert Kudrawiec
A graduate of the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology at the Wrocław University of Technology, specializing in solid state physics. Scientific career: M.Sc. 2000, Ph.D. 2004, D.Sc. 2010, Prof. 2018. International internships: February 2006 – May 2007 post-doc at Stanford University, January 2012 – September 2013 sabbatical at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Since October 2017, he is associated with PORT, where he is currently the leader of the EpiMat research group. He specializes in optical semiconductors for their applications in semiconductor devices. These are group III-V semiconductors, including group three nitrides, group IV and II-VI semiconductors, and recently these are van der Waals crystals and perovskites. In the HYPHa project, he deals with van der Waals crystals and their integration with silica-based waveguides.
Dr. Eng. Maciej Czajkowski
He was graduated (MSc) in Chemistry in 2009 and obtained PhD degree in 2014 at the Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology. He participated in 9 research projects financed by the NCN, NCBR, FNP and POIG, including managing of the project under the NCN SONATA 11 grant entitled ”Wytwarzanie i charakterystyka nowych materiałów ciekłokrystalicznych zawierających chiralne związki jonowe do zastosowania w modulatorach światła” (“Fabrication and characterization of new liquid crystal materials containing chiral ionic compounds for application in light modulators”), and currently he is managing the project under the NCBiR LIDER XII grant entitled „Zastosowanie kryształów fotonicznych w zabezpieczeniach oryginalności” (“Application of photonic crystals in originality protections”). He is a co-author of 20 scientific publications (number of citations according to Scopus: 72, index h = 6) and one patent. Since November 2013, he has been working at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development (previously: Wrocław Research Center EIT +). Since June 2020, he has been working as the Chief Specialist in the Research Group of Synthesis of Advanced Materials. His main research interest is engineering of materials photonics applications, including: liquid crystal materials, photonic crystals, dyes, polymers, ionic liquids, holographic and thermochromic materials.
Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Rola
He is a graduate of master studies (2009) in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication, specialization: Microsystems, at the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, where he also received his PhD in Electronics in 2015. He has participated in 6 research projects financed by NCN, FNP, NCBR. He is a co-author of 27 research papers (number of citations according to Web of Science: 234, Hirsch index: 9) and 2 patent applications. In 2015-2017, he worked as a Specialist at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, PAS. Since 2017, he has been working at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development (previously: Wrocław Research Centre EIT+), and since 2021 he has been a Senior Specialist in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Research Group. His current research interests include micro- and nanostructuring of different materials using electron and ion beams as well as application of ionic liquids in micro- and nanotechnologies. In the HYPHa project, he is responsible for fabricating optical gratings using nanoimprint and electron beam lithography. In addition, he handles the SEM/FIB/EDS microscopic examinations, as well as he coordinates the work on fabrication of waveguides by means of photolithography, etching and nanoimprint.
Dr. Eng. Bartłomiej Potaniec
He was awarded the degree of doctor in natural sciences in the field of biological in 2019 at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. He participated in 7 research projects financed by the National Science Center, National Center for Research and the Foundation for Polish Science. He is a co-author of 17 scientific publications (number of citations according to Web of Science: 100, h index =7, IF> 50), 3 chapters in post-conference monographs and 20 national patents. Since April 2017, he has been working at Łukasiewicz-PORT and since June 2021 he has been holding the position of Senior Specialist at the AdMat Group. His scientific research focuses on the synthesis of compounds from the groups of flavonoids and chalcones exhibiting biological properties (antioxidant and anti-cancer) and the synthesis of compounds with specific luminescent and thermal resistance properties.
Dr. Eng. Sandeep Gorantla
A PhD graduate from Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) with specialization in Materials Science and Engineering in the field of Transmission Electron Microscopy of carbon nanostructures and materials research. Scientific career: Author of about 56 peer-reviewed scientific publications (h index=20) and book chapters 1. He has been working with a variety of material systems including oxides, thin-films, nanoparticles/nanowires, 1-D carbon nanostructures, graphene and possess extended expertise in using various TEM sample preparation and TEM techniques. He worked as TEM postdoc at IFW-Dresden, McMaster University, University of Oslo and Lukasiewicz Network PORT during the past years. He was PI of NCN individual project Polonez-1 during 2017-2018 and currently working of Norway grants-NCN bilateral research project between Norway and Poland with University of Oslo, SINTEF and Łukasiewicz Network PORT as partners.
Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Czyż
He graduated at the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology, a specialization in Optoelectronics. He pursued his PhD at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, obtaining his PhD degree in 2018. In the period 2013 – 2018, he worked at the Military University of Technology, where he participated in several NCN projects. He is a co-author of dozen scientific articles, Hirsch index: 4. Since 2019, he has been working at Łukasiewicz-PORT, where he is currently the Acting Head of the Materials Technology Laboratory. In 2021 and 2022 he collaborated with a business partner on the potential implementation in the industry of the know-how developed by him. He mainly deals with laser micromachining and sputtering thin and atomic metallic layers as well as printing thin lines with conductive technology.
Sc. Eng. Łukasz Duda
He is a graduate of engineering and master’s studies in the field of Materials Science with specialization in Advanced Functional Materials, from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wrocław University of Technology. Currently, he is a PhD student at the Doctoral College of Chemistry at the University of Wrocław, where, in cooperation with the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development carries out research in the frame of Implementation Doctorate program. He is a co-author of 5 scientific publications. He participated in 5 projects financed by the NCN, FNP and NCBR. Since November 2020, he has been working at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development as a Junior Specialist in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Group. As part of his doctorate, he is working with of organic dyes for applications in photonics. His scientific interests are mainly focused on the fabrication of materials with controlled refractive index (for use as waveguiding films) and their characterization, fabrication and characterization of liquid crystal materials and characterization of the luminescent properties of organic dyes in different matrices (liquid crystalline, polymer and sol-gel).
M.Sc. Eng. Daria Hluschenko
A graduate of engineering studies (2014) and master’s studies (2015) in the field of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, specialization: Nanotechnology, Sumy University of Technology (Ukraine). Since 2019, a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Technology in the discipline of physical sciences. In the years (2017-2019) she was an investigator in 2 projects, and since 2019 she has been working in the HYPHa project. Since 2017, she has been working at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, employed at the Material Technologies Laboratory as a Senior Process Engineer. She deals with the production of planar photonic structures (planar waveguides, ring resonators) and the development of technology for the preparation of planar structures, from design to the final measurement of the instrument.
M.Sc. Jakub Pawłów
A graduate of master’s studies in the field of Medical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of University of Wrocław (2021). He was investigator in 6 national and international research projects financed by NCN, NCBiR i FNP. He is a co-author of 1 scientific publication in the Master Journal List, the research results have been presented during many national and international conferences. During one of them, on VI Szczecin Symposium for Young Chemists, he was awarded for the best oral presentation. Twice (2021, 2022) he completed a two-week research internship at the iLM laboratory at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France. At present, he is a PhD student at the Doctoral College of Chemistry at the University of Wrocław, where, in cooperation with the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development carries out research as a part of Implementation Doctorate program. The research concerns the development of a hybrid optical temperature sensor based on both inorganic and organic compounds. In 2016, he was an intern at Łukasiewicz-PORT, and since 2021 he has been a Junior Specialist in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Research Group. The main area of research conducted by him is the synthesis of inorganic luminescent materials doped with rare earth elements and their structural and spectroscopic analysis. In the HYPHa project, he deals with surface structuring using an ion beam.
Sc. Kacper Albin Prokop
A graduate of master’s studies in the field of Medical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of University of Wrocław (2021). Laureate of the National Competition “Student Nobel 2021” organized by the Independent Students’ Association in the category of Life Sciences and Energy. Finalist of the “Gold Medal of Chemistry” organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best bachelor thesis in the field of chemistry (2019). He was investigator in 4 national projects and international research projects financed by NCN, NCBiR and FNP, at present he is investigator in 3 projects. He is a co-author of 3 scientific publications and presented the results of his research at several international and national conferences. During one of them he received an award for a poster presentation – Jury Congratulations – 8th International Workshop on Photoluminescence in Rear Earths: Photonic Materials and Devices (PREʹ19), Nice, France. Twice (2021, 2022) he completed a two-week research internship at the iLM laboratory at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France. Currently, he is realizing his PhD studies as a part of the Implementation Doctorate program at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw and Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development. The aim of conducted research is selecting new inorganic matrices with cubic structure and carrying out attempts to fabricate of ceramic materials with high transparency, which, after activation with rare earth ions, can be used as efficient optical materials. With Łukasiewicz-PORT He has been associated since 2016, when he completed an internship as a student, and from 2021 he holds the position of a Junior Specialist in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Research Team. His research interests are focused on the synthesis and structural and spectroscopic studies of f-electron activated (mainly Eu3+, Nd3+ and Yb3+) inorganic compounds from the group of phosphates and tungstates in the form of nano and micro-powders. In the HYPHa project, he deals with surface structuring using an ion beam.
The Advanced Materials Synthesis Team within the HYPHa project deals with the following issues:

– Studies on organic dyes showing specific spectroscopic and optical properties (e.g., absorption and emission in defined spectral range) and physico-chemical properties (e.g., solubility or thermal stability), which can be obtained both by modifying known structures and by synthesis new chemical connections. One of the goals of the project is to fabricate hybrid platforms covering a wide UV-Vis-IR spectral range, so detailed characterization of both newly synthesized and selected commercially available dyes is a very important task. The key property of the dyes is their thermal stability, which allows them to maintain their optical activity after post-reaction heat treatment, necessary in accordance with the protocol to produce thin layers. The second important property of the obtained dopants is their solubility in solvents, usually used during sol-gel synthesisMore

– Research includes preparation of organic (polymer) and hybrid or inorganic layers (produced using the sol-gel method from appropriate titanium and silicon alkoxides and ORMOSIL – Organically Modified Silica compounds). Thanks to the use of methods such as dip-coating or spin-coating, it is possible to deposit films with a certain thickness on various types of substrates. Methods such as profilometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry in the UV-Vis and near infrared range, can be used to determine the thickness and refractive index of the prepared films. In addition, the spectroscopic properties of films activated with organic dyes can be characterized using methods such as absorption and emission spectroscopy in the UV-Vis rangeMore
– Fabrication of planar photonic components by photolithography, etching and nanoimprint. Precise photonic components can be fabricated by means of photolithography and subsequent reactive ion etching (RIE) of SiO2-TiO2 thin films. On the other hand, photolithography and/or e-beam lithography are used for creating PDMS stamps for nanoimprint. Producing of photonic components by PDMS stamping can be a low-cost alternative to other methods used for fabrication of photonic integrated circuits.More

– Fabrication of periodic photonic structures, in particular fabrication of photonic crystals – 2D opals and inverse opals by synthetic methods from monodisperse polymer or oxide nanospheres. 2D opals and inverse opals show e.g. light diffraction. Polymer and sol-gel systems are being developed for their use as optical waveguide couplers, which can be used as distributed feedback systems (DFB) to obtain laser action and as elements of sensors based on the optical properties of materials. Moreover, the optical holography method is also used to produce surface diffraction gratings in azopolymers.More

– Fabrication of two-dimensional materials i.e. those that have a thickness of one or several atomic layers. These materials have special electronic and optical properties compared to their three-dimensional counterparts. The project involves the synthesis, transfer and study of the properties of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). These materials have been of great interest for last years in research due to their unique properties, such as changes of the character of energy gap with the number of layers. Semiconductor TMDCs based on molybdenum and tungsten with band gaps from visible to near infrared spectral range have great potential for applications in flexible electronics, optoelectronics as semiconductors in nanoscale.More

- Daria Hlushchenko, Anna Siudzińska, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzta Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Robert Kudrawiec
Stability of mechanically exfoliated layered monochalcogenides under ambient conditions
Scientific Reports (2023) 13:19114
IF= 4.6
- Wdowiak, P. A. Mierzejewski, R. Zbonikowski, B. Bończak, J. Paczesny
Congo red protects bacteriophages against UV irradiation and allows for the simultaneous use of phages and UV for membrane sterilization
Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 9 (2023) 696-706
IF = 5.819
- Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Paweł Karasiński, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Magdalena Zięba, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk
Towards facile fabrication of photonics components from inorganic and hybrid sol-gel films. Preparation and optical properties characterization
Ceramics International, 48 (2022), 29676-29685
IF = 5.532
10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.06.225 - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Marta Fiedot-Toboła, Tomasz Baraniecki, Joanna Cybińska
Concentration-Dependent Emission of Annealed Sol-Gel Layers Incorporated with Rhodamine 19 and 6G as the Route to Tunable High-Temperature Luminescent Materials
Gels, 8 (2022), 408/1-408/11
IF = 4.432
10.3390/gels8070408 - Bartłomiej Potaniec, Maria Zdończyk, Joanna Cybińska
Controlled Synthesis of Luminescent Xanthene Dyes and Use of Ionic Liquid in Thermochromic Reaction
Molecules, 27 (2022), 3092/1-3092/15
IF = 4.927
10.3390/molecules27103092 - Jun Young Kim, Łukasz Grzelczuk, Maciej P. Polak, Daria Hlushchenko, Dane Morgan, Robert Kudrawiec, Izabela Szlufarska
Experimental and theoretical studies of native deep-level defects in transition metal dichalcogenides
npj 2D Mater Appl, 6 (2022), 75/1-75/11
- Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Marcin Skoreński, Joanna Cybińska
Development of Efficient One-Pot Methods for the Synthesis of Luminescent Dyes and Sol–Gel Hybrid Materials
15 (2021), 203/1-203/11
IF = 3.748
9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9), June 26 – 30, 2023, Tarragona, Spain

From the left: mgr Kacper Prokop, mgr eng. Łukasz Duda, dr. Małgorzta Guzik oraz mgr Jakub Pawłów presenting sceintific posters on 9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9) in Spain.

Mgr Kacper Prokop presenting sceintific posters on 9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9) in Spain.
20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023), August 27 – September 01, 2023, Paris, France

Mgr eng. Łukasz Duda presenting sceintific posters on 20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023) in France.

Mgr Jakub Pawłów presenting sceintific posters on 20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023) in France.
Nominated in the Best Cooperation of Business and Science category
In the Lower Silesian Griffin – Economic Award competition organized by the Western Chamber of Commerce, the project “Luminescence active layers for photonics” – cooperation between Łukasiewicz – PORT and the University of Wrocław under the Implementation Doctorate program was nominated in the category of Best cooperation between business and science. The Active Luminescent Layers for Photonics: the project aims to create a material platform based on hybrid materials (organo-inorganic). The basis of these materials would be silicon oxide doped with organic colourants or compounds of rare earth elements, which would create a luminescent-active ingredient. Due to this modification, it would be possible to create systems such as light sources or light detectors. It is important to remember that in order to create silica layers, they need to be subjected to thermal processing in a temperature of at least 300°C. However, a temperature this high usually leads to the degradation of the organic colourants, so the project is focused on compounds with high thermal stability. The team of the nominated project consists of two scientists from the University of Wrocław, Dr Sc. Joanna Cybińska and PhD student Maria Zdończyk and Dr. Eng. Bartłomiej Potaniec, all members of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT.

InterNanoPoland 2022 Katowice, Poland, Oct. 18-19, 2022

Dr. Sc. Joanna Cybińska presents the results of the HYPHa project during an oral presentation at the international conference InterNanoPoland 2022 in Katowice.

Poster session at the international conference InterNanoPoland 2022 in Katowice, during which M.Sc. Kacper A. Prokop (left) and M.Sc. Jakub Pawłów (right) explain the effect of etching on the properties of the obtained photonic structures.
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties Kraków, Poland, Sep. 11-16, 2022

Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Rola (left) and M.Sc.Eng. Łukasz Duda (right) during a poster session.


Dr. Eng. Maciej Czajkowski during an oral presentation entitled “Fabrication of various photonic systems based on self-assembled nanospheres”.
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials ATAM 2022 Wrocław, Poland, Sep. 06-09, 2022

Dr. Sc. Joanna Cybińska at the ATAM 2022 conference organized on 06.09.-09.09.2022 by Łukasiewicz-PORT in Wrocław.

M.Sc. Eng. Łukasz Duda presents the results at the Advanced Technologies Symposium and Materials (ATAM 2022) in Wrocław.

Dr. Eng. Maciej Czajkowski during the ATAM 2022 conference giving a lecture on of reverse opals in waveguide coupler applications.
XXI National Electronics Conference, Sept. 5-9, 2021, Darłowo, Poland.


M.Sc. Maria Zdończyk presents a lecture on luminescent dyes for photonic layers at the 20th National Electronics Conference (KKE) in Darłowo, for which she was awarded by the Scientific Committee in the “Young Scientists” competition in the thematic group Integrated optics – technologies, materials and applications.


M.Sc. Eng. Łukasz Duda presents the results of luminescent SiO2-TiO2 layers produced by the sol-gel method for applications in integrated optics at the 20th National Electronics Conference (KKE) in Darłowo.


M. Sc. Eng. Daria Hlushchenko during the 20th National Electronics Conference (KKE) in Darłowo.
Presentations at conferences
- Andrzej Gawlik, Adriab Ślipek, Krzysztof Rola, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Jacek Olszewski, Paweł Karasiński,
Analysis of rib waveguide geometry on operation of a 2×3 planar Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on silica-titania waveduides on glass substrates,
18th Integrated Optics – Sensors, Sensing Structures And Methods (IOS’2024), February 27 – March 03, 2023, Szczyrk, Poland,
poster - Andrzej Kaźmierczak, Muhammad Ali Butt, Łukasz Kozłowski, Muhammad Shahbaz, Anna Maria Jusza, Krzysztof Paweł Anders, Stanisław Tomasz Stopiński, Jacek Olszewski, Tadeusz Martynkien, Łukasz Duda, Krzysztof Czyż, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Malgorzata Guzik, Joanna Cybińska, Magdalena Zięba, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Paweł Karasiński, Ryszard Piramidowicz,
HYPHa – innovative photonic integration platform for sensing applications, 18th Integrated Optics – Sensors,
Sensing Structures And Methods (IOS’2024), February 27 – March 03, 2023, Szczyrk, Poland,
oral presentation - A. Kaźmierczak, M.A. Butt, Ł. Kozłowski, M. Shahbaz, A. Połatyński, A. Jusza, K. Anders, S. Stopiński, J. Olszewski, T. Martynkien, Ł. Duda, K. Czyż, J. Pawłów, K. Prokop, M. Zdończyk, K. Rola, M. Guzik, J. Cybińska, M. Zięba, C. Tyszkiewicz, P. Karasiński, R. Piramidowicz,
Demonstrator układu czujnikowego na platformie HYPHa-koncepcja i projekt,
XIV Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa ELTE 2023, Ryn, 18-21 April, 2023,
poster - P. Karasiński, M. Zięba, C. Tyszkiewicz,
Straty optyczne w warstwach falowodowych,
XIV Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa ELTE 2023, Ryn, 18-21 April, 2023,
oral presentation - A. Jusza, K. Anders, P. Bortnowski, A. Kaźmierczak, M. A. Butt, M. Zięba, C. Tyszkiewicz, P. Karasiński, R. Piramidowicz,
Elementy optycznie aktywne dla platformy HYPHa,
XIV Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa ELTE 2023, Ryn, 18-21 April, 2023,
poster - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Joanna Cybińska,
Light my fire,
LED/T THEM LIGHT, April 24, 2023, Wroclaw, Poland,
oral presentation - Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Paweł Karasiński, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Magdalena Zięba, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Fabrication of formable sol-gel and polymer films for planar photonic systems,
PANIC Summer School 2022, May 30- June 3, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
oral presentation - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
Xanthene derived dyes as potential activators for photonics applications,
PANIC Summer School 2022, May 30- June 3, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
oral presentation - Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Magdalena Zięba, Łukasz Duda, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Andrzej Gawlik, Adrian Ślipek, Jacek Olszewski, Andrzej Kaźmierczak, Muhammad Ali Butt, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik, Paweł Karasiński,
Planarny interferometr Macha-Zehndera na bazie warstw światłowodowych SiOx-TiOy,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Jacek Olszewski, Adrian Ślipek, Michał Łukomski, Edyta Środa, Piotr Pala, Andrzej Gawlik, Paweł Mrowiński, Daria Hlushchenko, Łukasz Duda, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Muhammad Ali Butt, Andrzej Kaźmierczak, Andrzej Połatyński, Krzysztof Anders, Anna Jusza, Stanisław Stopiński, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Ryszard Piramidowicz, Robert Kudrawiec, Paweł Karasiński, Katarzyna Komorowska, Tadeusz Martynkien,
Biblioteka komponentów optyki zintegrowanej na bazie platformy materiałowej SiOx:TiOy,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Andrzej Kaźmierczak, Muhammad Ali Butt, Łukasz Kozłowski, Muhammad Shahbaz, Anna Jusza, Krzysztof Anders, Stanisław Stopiński, Mateusz Słowikowski, Marcin Juchniewicz, Piotr Wiśniewski, Andrzej Połatyński, Jacek Olszewski, Tadeusz Martynkien, Łukasz Duda, Krzysztof Czyż, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Małgorzata Guzik, Joanna Cybińska, Magdalena Zięba, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Paweł Karasiński, Ryszard Piramidowicz
Stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju układόw optyki scalonej na bazie platformy materiałowej SiOX:TiOY rozwijanej w projekcie HYPHa,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Joanna Cybińska, Maria Zdończyk, Łukasz Duda, Małgorzata Guzik,
Barwniki w zastosowaniach dla optyki i układów sensorycznych – wyzwania i szanse,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Magdalena Zięba, Katarzyna Wojtasik, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Krzysztof Matus, Dominik Dorosz, Bartłomiej Starzek, Patryk Szymczak, Andrzej Kazimierczak, Maria Zdończyk, Małgorzata Guzik, Paweł Karasiński,
Wytwarzanie i charakteryzacja warstw falowodowych SiOx:TiOy domieszkowanych europem,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Łukasz Duda, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Krzysztof Czyż, Piotr Caban, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Falowody paskowe do układów fotonicznych SiO2-TiO2 i optyczne metody ich sprawdzania,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
poster - Piotr A. Caban, Daria Hlushenko, Łukasz Duda, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper A. Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Czyż, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Optymalizacja procesu trawienia plazmowego na potrzeby światłowodów paskowych,
XXII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki (XXII KKE), Czerwiec 11 – 15, 2023, Darłowo, Poland,
poster - Muhammad Ali Butt, Krzysztof Rola, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Cuma Tyszkiewicz, Paweł Karasiński, Tadeusz Martynkien, Jacek Olszewski, Andrzej Kaźmierczak, Ryszard Piramidowicz,
HYPHa project – A voyage of developing a low-cost integrated photonic platform,
9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9), Czerwiec 26 -30, 2023, Tarragona, Spain,
keynote oral presentation - Jakub Pawłów, Łukasz Duda, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Optimization of photolithography process using negative tone resist towards obtaining high-quality photonic structures,
9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9), Czerwiec 26 -30, 2023, Tarragona, Spain,
poster - Kacper Albin Prokop, Łukasz Duda, Jakub Pawłów, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Muhammad A. Butt, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder interferometer structures based on low-cost SiO2:TiO2 optical platform for integrated photonics applications,
9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9), Czerwiec 26 -30, 2023, Tarragona, Spain,
poster - Łukasz Duda, Krzysztof Rola, Krzysztof Czyż, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Muhammad A. Butt, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Małgorzata Guzik, Joanna Cybińska, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Application of hard metal (Al, Cu, Cr) masks for dry etching of sol-gel-derived silica-titania photonic structures,
9th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM’9), Czerwiec 26 -30, 2023, Tarragona, Spain,
poster - Maria Zdończyk, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Light Converting Layers,
ISMES-X Materials for Energy and Sustainability, July 2-8, 2023, Erice, Italy,
poster - Małgorzata Guzik, Kacper Albin. Prokop, J. Pawłów, M. Wilk, E. Tomaszewicz, S. Cottrino, V. Garnier, G. Fantozzi, S. Le Floch, O. Boisron, Y. Guyot, G. Boulon,
New transparent optical ceramics based on isotropic and anisotropic oxide structures – challenges and perspectives,
Advances and Future Directions in Luminescent Materials and Devices, July 10-18, 2023, Erice, Italy,
keynote oral presentation - Małgorzata Guzik, Kacper Albin Prokop, Jakub Pawłów, Magdalena Wilk, Elżbieta Tomaszewicz, Sandrine Cottrino, Vincent Garnier, Gilbert Fantozzi, Yannick Guyot, Georges Boulon,
Luminescent probes and sensors based on lanthanide emission,
The 10th International Conference of Sensors ASIASEMSE 2023, August 2-3, 2023, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia,
keynote oral presentation - Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik, Muhammad Ali Butt, Paweł Karasiński, Jacek Oszewski, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Hybrid sensor platforms of integrated photonic systems based on ceramic and polymer materials,
Photonics Global Conference (PGC 2023), August 21 -23, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden,
keynote oral presentation - Krzysztof Czyż, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik,
Strip waveguides for SiO2-TiO2 photonic systems and optical methods of their verification,
Photonics Global Conference (PGC 2023), August 21 -23, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden,
poster - Jakub Pawłów, Łukasz Duda, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Krzysztof Rola, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Joanna Cybinska, Małgorzata Guzik,
The route to obtaining high-quality photonic structures using a photolithography process and negative tone resist,
20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023), August 27 – September 01, 2023, Paris, France,
poster - A. Prokop, Ł. Duda, J.Pawłów, M. Zdończyk, K. Rola, M. A. Butt, M. Zięba, P.Karasiński, J.Cybińska, M. Guzik,
Silica-titania based integrated optic systems for new on-chip sensing devices,
20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023), August 27 – September 01, 2023, Paris, France,
poster - Łukasz Duda, Krzysztof Rola, Jakub Pawłów, Kacper Albin Prokop, Maria Zdończyk, Muhammad Ali Butt, Joanna Cybińska, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Luminescent reversed rib waveguides – a hybrid photonic platform based on sol-gel technology and polymers,
20th International Conference On Luminescence (ICL 2023), August 27 – September 01, 2023, Paris, France,
- Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Muhammad Ali Butt, Krzysztof Rola, Małgorzata Guzik,
Luminescent submicrometric polymer and sol-gel films – preparation, properties and future perspectives for application in photonics,
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland, oral presentation - Krzysztof Rola, Łukasz Duda, Maria Zdończyk, Joanna Cybińska,
Electron beam patterning of sol-gel-based films,
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
poster - Maciej Czajkowski, Krzysztof Rola, Łukasz Duda, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
2D inverse opals made with self-assembled nanospheres for waveguide couplers,
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
oral presentation - Karolina Różycka, Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
Development of the sol-gel layers doped with organic dyes synthesis using different pH values,
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
poster - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
Phosphorescence phenomenon in SiO2-based glasses doped with dyes from chalcone group,
Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM 2022), September 6-9, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
poster - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Malgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
Organic Dyes as Potential Activators for Photonics,
HZDR PhD Seminar 2022, September 19-20, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland,
- Daria Hlushchenko, Robert Kudrawiec,
2D material active layer fabrication for Light Emitting Devices (LEDs), PANIC 2021: PhoBia Annual Nanophotonics International Conference, May 26-28, 2021,
oral presentation - Daria Hlushchenko, Katarzyna Komorowska
Sol-gel glass photonic microlasers doped with Rhodamine 6G,
PANIC 2021: PhoBia Annual Nanophotonics International Conference, May 26-28, 2021,
poster - Daria Hlushchenko, Łukasz Duda, Tomasz Baraniecki, Karolina Gemza, Tadeusz Martynkien, Robert Kudrawiec, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Photonic structures fabrication by nanoimprint (NIL) from sol-gels, National Conference of Electronics 2021 (KKE), September 5-9, 2021, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Luminescencyjne warstwy SiO2-TiO2 wytwarzane metodą zol-żel do zastosowania w zintegrowanej optyce,
XX Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, September 5-9, 2021, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Tomasz Baraniecki, Daria Hlushchenko, Magdalena Zięba, Paweł Karasiński, Karolina Gemza, Małgorzata Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
Application of plasma etching for the production of stripe optical fibers from composite SiOx:TiOy waveguide layers,
XX Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, September 5-9, 2021, Darłowo, Poland,
oral presentation - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
Aktywne luminescencyjnie barwniki do warstw fotonicznych,
XX Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, September 5-9, 2021, Darłowo, Poland,
- Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Małgorzata, Guzik, Alicja Bachmatiuk,
UV-induced fabrication of diffraction grating in hybrid organic-inorganic SiO2-TiO2 thin films,
Prequel Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (PreATAM 2020), October 13- 15, 2020, Wrocław, Poland (online),
poster - Maria Zdończyk, Bartłomiej Potaniec, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Joanna Cybińska,
SiO2-based glasses obtained by the sol-gel method, doped with organic dyes from the chalcone group,
Prequel Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (PreATAM 2020), October 13- 15, 2020, Wrocław, Poland (online),
poster - Daria Hlushchenko, Katarzyna Komorowska,
Sol-gel glass photonic microlasers doped with Rhodamine 6G,
Prequel Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials (preATAM 2020), October 13-15, 2020, Wroclaw, Poland (online),
- Maria Zdończyk, Bartlomiej Potaniec Joanna Cybińska
„A photonic layer doped with nanoparticles and a method for obtaining said photonic layer” subject to the priority date of August 24, 2023 (based on notification P.445893). To the European patent application the number EP23193973.7 has been assigned. - Łukasz Duda, Maciej Czajkowski, Małgorzata Guzik
„Active material changing its spectroscopic properties under the influence of changes in ambient humidity, method of obtaining this material and its application” subject to the priority date of September 1, 2023. (based on notification P.445987). To the European patent application the number EP23195457.9. has been assigned.