The third WIB competition announced
On July 10, 2023, the third competition of the Virtual Research Institute was announced, aiming to fund innovative research projects with high commercialization potential.
New Opportunities for Scientists
The third competition of the Virtual Research Institute (WIB) was announced on July 10, 2023. In the first two competitions, research teams specializing in medical biotechnology with applications in oncology were eligible for funding. In the third competition, this scope was expanded, allowing scientists from all areas of medical biotechnology with therapeutic applications to apply. The Managing Entity of the WIB program, responsible for organizing and conducting the competitions, is Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development in Wrocław.
Competition Timeline
The third WIB competition will begin with informational and advisory activities. The main phase of the competition, the application submission period, is scheduled for October 2-13, 2023.
Application Evaluation Process
The selection of teams to receive funding consists of several stages. Submitted applications will first undergo a formal assessment, followed by a substantive evaluation based on scientific and socio-economic criteria. This evaluation will be conducted by an international panel of experts specializing in both biotechnology and commercialization. The final step will be signing a funding agreement with the research team recommended for funding.
Funding and Support for Research Teams
The funds awarded through the WIB competition will be allocated to financing research teams working in the field of medical biotechnology, as well as to the commercialization of their research results and related know-how. The program provides the possibility of financing up to 100% of research task costs and offers team members and their institutions significant shares in future revenues from commercialization. Additionally, Łukasiewicz – PORT, as the Managing Entity of the WIB Program, will coordinate efforts to protect intellectual property and handle its subsequent commercialization, taking on the responsibility for complex, time-consuming, and costly procedures.
Selected Research Teams: ADEVASCO and INTERCEPT
As a result of the third Virtual Research Institute competition, two research teams, ADEVASCO and INTERCEPT, were selected for funding. They will receive nearly 200 million PLN in total to carry out innovative projects in medical biotechnology.
ADEVASCO Team – focuses on developing an advanced immunotherapy for patients with malignant tumors.
More information about the ADEVASCO project
INTERCEPT Team – conducts research on a breakthrough targeted therapy method for treating genetic diseases.
More information about the INTERCEPT project
Both teams will conduct their research in collaboration with renowned scientific institutions and industrial partners, aiming for the commercialization of their innovative solutions.