About the WIB program

Virtual Research Institute
CO-FINANCING 472 500 000 PLN
TOTAL VALUE 472 500 000 PLN
Virtual Research Institute [Polish: Wirtualny Instytut Badawczy – WIB] is an innovative nationwide formula for conducting research with high potential for social and economic applications. The area of WIB research is medical biotechnology. The amount of PLN 450 million has been allocated to support research teams.
The Virtual Research Institute was defined by The April 4, 2019 Act on Supporting Scientific Activity From the Polish Science Fund (Journal of Laws of May 6, 2019, item 823), while the scope of financing, its size and purpose, as well as the managing entity were defined in the Communications of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
The Virtual Research Institute program is a tool for distributing funds from the Polish Science Fund. Its aim is to finance the work of selected, internationally competitive research teams, conducting scientific activities with high potential for social and economic applications, under the guidance of a leader of recognized scientific achievements, whose aim is to commercialize its results.
The program allows for the possibility of carrying out tasks located in various scientific units in Poland.
The entity managing the Virtual Research Institute program for the area of medical biotechnology is the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development based in Wrocław.
Ultimately, it is possible to launch subsequent editions of the Virtual Research Institute program in other fields of science that are attractive for development of the Polish economy.
The role of the entity managing the WIB program is performed by the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development based in Wrocław. The managing entity is responsible for organizing and conducting open call for proposals for the selection of research teams, organizing the work of experts, signing contracts for financing, supervision and support for the implementation of research tasks, distribution of fund resources, coordination of the process of commercialization of new technologies and products.
More information you can find on an official website: wib.port.org.pl