

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant No 676550. The sole responsibility for any errors or omissions made lies with the editor. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is also not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has received funding from European Union Funds under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

„implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC”

Total cost: 4 950 860,00 EUR
EU Contribution: 23 000,00 EUR
Duration: 1/10/2015 – 30/09/2018

Project Manager (WRC EIT+): dr Łukasz Kozera
Project Consortium:

  1. BBMRI-ERIC incl. linked third parties/(namely MUG on behalf of BBMRI.at, THL on behalf of BBMRI.fi, UoM on behalf of BBMRI.mt, UNIMIB on behalf of BBMRI.it),
  2. BELSPO on behalf of BBMRI.be, Belgium
  3. SNF on behalf of BBMRI.ch, Switzerland
  4. MMCI on behalf of BBMRI.cz, Czech Republic
  5. Charité on behalf of BBMRI.de, Germany
  6. UT on behalf of BBMRI.ee, Estonia
  7. INSERM on behalf of BBMRI.fr, France
  8. AA on behalf of BBMRI.gr, Greece
  9. LUMC on behalf of BBMRI.nl, The Netherlands
  10. NTNU on behalf of BBMRI.no, Norway
  11. Kierujący Biobankiem Wrocławskiego Centrum; Badań EIT+ sp. z o. o. on behalf of BBMRI.pl, Poland
  12. KI on behalf of BBMRI.se, Sweden
  13. Dokuz Eylul University on behalf of BBMRI.tr, Turkey
  14. IARC, France
  15. TUM, Germany
  16. IOR, Italy
  17. University College London, United Kingdom

The ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC proposal aims at boosting and accelerating implementation of BBMRI-ERIC and its services. Its main deliverables are designed to complete or launch the construction of key Common Services of the Research Infrastructure as required for European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure-(ESFRI) -projects ‘under implementation’, reflecting the targets of the European Research Area (ERA). One of the challenges in the post-genomic era is the research on common complex diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Revealing these diseases will depend critically on the study of human biological samples and data from large numbers of patients and healthy individuals.

The EU’s ageing population will result in an increase in many of those diseases and consequently an increased healthcare expenditure for senior citizens. Its implementation is essential for the understanding of the diversity of human diseases, biological samples and corresponding data, which are required for the development of any new drug or diagnostic assay and are, therefore, critical for the advancement in health research, ultimately leading to personalised medicine. BBMRI-ERIC will provide a gateway access to the collections of the European research community, expertise and services building on the outcome of ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC.