Chemical Analysis and Spectroscopy Laboratory

The Chemical Analysis And Spectroscopy Laboratory consist of specialized laboratories offering a wide range of services. One of them is the Elemental Analysis Laboratory specializing in quantitative and qualitative determinations of main and trace elements (impurities). The IR laboratory focuses on infrared spectroscopy. It has unique equipment that allows for the analysis of various types of samples: solids, liquids, powders, pastes, plastics and others. Its offer is complemented by the Raman spectroscopy laboratory, which is a complementary method to IR analyzes and enables to obtain a lot of valuable information about the structure of the tested material.

The Laboratory of Chemical and Spectroscopic Analyzes also provides services in the field of UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis (measurement of absorbance or transmittance at a given wavelength, measurement of absorbance in the range from 200 to 1000 nm, analyzing the antioxidant activity of solutions).


The laboratory specializes in quantitative and qualitative determinations of main and trace elements (impurities), such as: Li, Na, K, Rb ,Cs ,Be ,Mg ,Ca ,Sr, Ba, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, La, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, B, Al, Si, P, S, Ce, Pr, Nd, U, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu.

Elemental analyzes are performed in various types of samples, including: soil, water, cement, plastics, sediments, plating baths, plants, food, industrial materials, biological samples and many others.

The laboratory optimizes, develops and validates mineralization and elemental analysis procedures for the client’s demands. We undertake non-standard analyzes to meet the various demands of clients – from industrial clients and from the scientific community.



ICP-OES – Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry:

  • multiple-element
  • very fast
  • working in wide concentrations range (4-5 order of magnitude)
  • detection limits – single ppb


FAAS – Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry:

  • one-element
  • fast for 1 element
  • working in a narrow concentration range
  • detection limits of 100 ppb


GFAAS- Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry:

  • one-element
  • slow – long analysis time
  • high sensitivity
  • detection limits from 10 – 100 ppt
  • small sample volume



iCAP 7400 Duo ICP-OES  Spectrometer (Thermo Scientific):

  • the unique CID detector avoids the “blooming” effect – signal spilling onto adjacent pixels
  • double observation of the plasma in the horizontal position of the torch
  • water-cooled semiconductor power generator
  • 66 elements with detection limit < 1 ppb
  • spectral range: 166 – 847 nm, spectral resolution – 7 pm (at 200 nm)


iCE 3500 AAS Spectrometer (Thermo Scientific):

  • double-beam atomic absorption spectrometer with two measuring chambers
  • possibility to measure using several AAS techniques: Flame AAS, Graphite Furnace AAS
  • 50mm, ribbed titanium torch
  • spectral range: 190 – 900 nm
  • equipped with a GFTV (color) camera
  • graphite furnace with three types of background correction: D2, Zeeman and combined – the possibility of simultaneous background correction using a deuterium lamp and based on the Zeeman effect.

The IR laboratory has unique equipment that allows for the analysis of various types of samples: adhesives, powders, pastes, pigments, liquids, plastics and many more. The advantage of spectroscopic analysis is that the sample is not damaged and can be sent for further analysis after the measurement. The obtained IR spectra allow to characterize the tested sample, e.g. by indicating the main functional groups in the organic substance. IR spectra of chemical compounds are “fingerprints”, therefore having a reference spectrum, we are able to confirm the identity of the tested sample. We remain open to the needs of our clients. We try to advise and propose solutions that will help solve a given technological or scientific problem.



FTIR spectroscopy – transmission measurements and ATR:

  • confirm the identity of the tested organic substances
  • IR analysis of all kinds of samples with a description of the spectrum
  • determining the correlation of the obtained IR spectra – the test sample versus the reference sample
  • IR analysis of the surface of plastics


FTIR microscopy – transmission measurements and µ-ATR:

  • FTIR microscopy imaging
  • analysis of surface defects of plastics by µ-ATR




FTIR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700 (Thermo Scientific):

  • adapter for transmission measurements
  • adapter for ATR and HATR
  • adapter for DRIFTS


FTIR microscopy Nicolet iN10 MX (Thermo Scientific):

  • spatial resolution of 25 μm; detection of samples with a size of 5 μm; measurement in the range from 7600 cm-1 to 450 cm-1
  • adapter for µ-ATR (Ge crystal)
  • fast mapping of sample surfaces (1.2 x 1.2 mm area in 4.5 minutes with sampling every 25 μm)

Raman spectroscopy is a complementary method to IR method. However, it is distinguished by the fact that a lot of valuable information is obtained about the structure of the tested material, e.g. Raman spectroscopy of carbon structures allows to determine the number of layers, the degree of internal stress as well as the type of layer arrangement on top of each other. As in the case of IR, the analyzed samples can be in the form of powders, solids, emulsions or liquids, including aqueous solutions. During the analysis the samples, they are not damaged, so they can be sent for further analysis.


Raman Microscopy:

  • image magnification 10x,20x,50 and 100x
  • two lasers lengths : 532nm and 785 nm
  • Raman mapping the surface of the test sample
  • advanced processing of obtained spectral data



Alpha300 R – Raman Imaging Microscope (WITec):

  • Confocal Raman Imaging with unprecedented performance in speed, sensitivity, and resolution
  • TrueSurface
  • two lasers 532nm and 785nm