After the PORT for Health Conference

Three days of inspiring meetings, fourteen hours of online broadcasting, twenty speakers, and a total of nearly one hundred and fifty participants. The first international PORT for Health: Neuroscience conference organized by the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Center Łukasiewicz – PORT has ended.

In mid-October, Łukasiewicz – PORT hosted over twenty of the most outstanding scientists and doctors in the field of human health from Europe, the United States, and China. The conference was divided into three thematic blocks: affective and neurodevelopmental diseases and eating disorders. The guests discussed basic molecular mechanisms and the development of human disease models, the search for new drugs, and the possibility of innovative targeted therapies in personalized medicine.

Our Institute was represented by: Michał Ślęzak, Ph.D. – leader of the Biology of Astrocytes Research Group, Witold Konopka, Ph.D. – leader of the Neuroplasticity and Metabolism Research Group, and Tomasz Prószyński, Ph.D. – leader of the Synaptogenesis Research Group.

The PORT for Health: Neuroscience conference lasted from 13th to 15th October, and it was a hybrid event. It was the first in a series of Łukasiewicz – PORT conferences dedicated to issues in the field of science and medicine.