

„ANEURYSENS – the innovative biosensor to diagnose and monitor abdominal aortic aneurysm”
(acronym: ANEURYSENS)

Project supported by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020
MEASURE 4.1: Research and development
SUB-MEASURE 4.1.4: „Application projects”

Total cost: 4 757 765,22 PLN (including own contribution: 421 185,96 PLN)
EU Contribution:1 497 045,42 PLN
Duration: 01/09/2017 – 29/02/2020

Principal Investigator: dr Elżbieta Maria Piątkowska
Project Consortium:

  1. Wrocławskie Centrum Badań EIT+ Sp. z o.o.– Consortium Leader
  2. Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny we Wrocławiu, Ośrodek Badawczo Rozwojowy
  3. SensDX sp. z o. o.
  4. Pro Science Polska sp. z o. o.

Epidemiological studies indicate that abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a growing medical problem in aging societies. Since the etiology of AAA is still unknown and the disease is asymptomatic, the risk of perforation of AAA is difficult to assess. Therefore, the aim of our project is to develop a biosensor to detect life-threatening AAAs based on the identification of endogenous peptides and glycopeptides characteristic to developing aneurysm. The project involves a combination of isolation techniques and MS analysis of endogenous glycopeptides, production of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies in WRC EIT + and synthetic peptides and biosensor constructed by ETON Group. As a result, the panel of biomarkers will be developed for the AAA including prognostic markers associated with the development and the risk of rupture AAA. Biomarkers will be identified using a biosensor with gold and diamond electrodes equipped woth antibodies and synthetic peptides detecting specific products of proteolysis of excessively expanding arterial wall. Test to detect and monitor the progress of AAA will be commercialized by ETON Group using licenses for antibodies form WRC EIT +.